The foundation of any Christian school should be the principles and precepts of God’s Word.

March Checklist

  1. Request a Starting School Packet from Abeka.
  2. Request an Abeka field representative to visit you so you can examine Christian textbooks and see a promotional DVD.
  3. Read The Successful Christian School (available from Abeka).
  4. Read available books on education to be able to discern the difference between a nonChristian and a Christian approach to education.
  5. Determine your school’s Christian philosophy of education and purpose (evangelism, Christian training, and/or both).
  6. Select the Bible and academic curriculums and textbooks to be used. If you have a traditional Christian philosophy, you will want to use Abeka.
  7. Determine the organization of the school. Will it be board operated, parent operated, or church operated? (Who is in charge?)
  8. Have the appropriate group vote on the total program to adopt.
  9. Determine the grades to offer, decide if you need to use Abeka Academy video. Have a tentative plan.
  10. Prepare a simple projected budget.
  11. Set your tuition rates. If you have family rates, remember that the rate of the second student in a family is the average tuition income per student.
  12. Announce the date of the opening of school and the grades that are projected to be offered.
  13. Compile a list of teacher prospects and begin recruiting teachers. Also begin recruiting students.
  14. Check with other Christian schools about state regulations.
  15. Attend the Principals Clinic at Pensacola Christian College.

April Checklist

  1. Prepare an informational brochure, flyer, or handbill to announce the opening of the school.
  2. Plan funding or fund raising for the beginning operation of the school.
  3. Set up the salary schedule, benefits, sick days, and insurance for the staff.
  4. Put your operational budget into effect.
  5. Set up a bookkeeping system of receipts, checks, deposits, and statements.
  6. Begin to enroll students. You will need application or registration cards (available from Abeka) and registration fee.
  7. Gather samples of policies and procedures by visiting other Christian schools: personnel procedures, student activities, and handbooks.
  8. Plan tentative building needs (begin remodeling where necessary). Check shelves, cabinets, chalkboards, desks, furniture, and files.
  9. Set up office: stationery, telephone, computer, wastebasket, pencils, and pens.
  10. When employing teachers, be sure to have application forms available as well as contracts when there is mutual consent.
  11. Continue advertising in newspaper, mailings, church services, etc.
  12. Plan office enrollment procedures.

May Checklist

  1. Have a fund-raising banquet.
  2. Place order for all teaching materials from Abeka (does not apply if using video program).
  3. Continue to enroll students.
  4. Check with other Christian schools concerning health, building, and fire codes.
  5. Plan calendar of events: length of school day, length of school year, parent meetings, etc.
  6. Begin to write school policies and develop a faculty handbook. Not mandatory, but as procedures come to mind, jot them down.
  7. Plan first aid, usually a small first-aid kit is sufficient. It is good to have a cot for sick children or faculty.
  8. Begin to consider someone as a substitute teacher.
  9. Decide on physical education area and athletic program if in high school area.
  10. Decide on lunch program—whether students bring lunches, use vending machines, or order food prepared by your school (not financially feasible unless you have a large enrollment).
  11. Plan flow of traffic for car pool arrival and dismissal if area is congested.
  12. Explore possible extended care for kindergarten and elementary students until 5 p.m. or later (optional).

June Checklist

  1. Prepare student handbook.
  2. Complete and send in Abeka Academy Video Agreement and Student/Teacher Kit Order Form (if using video).
  3. Order all student materials according to enrollment plus anticipated enrollment (does not apply if using video) through Abeka.
  4. Inventory book order.
  5. Finish preparations of physical classrooms.
  6. Plan for July teacher training: Summer Seminar at Pensacola Christian College.

July Checklist

  1. Continue work on faculty handbook (optional; could wait a year or two). Student handbook needs to be finished and ready for mailing to parents already enrolled by August 1. Work on calendar of events for school year.
  2. Teachers (and administrator) attend the Summer Seminar in Pensacola.
  3. Order additional books for late enrollments.

August Checklist

  1. First month’s tuition should start coming in.
  2. Decide on custodial needs as to personnel and cleaning supplies for building. Hire custodial personnel and order cleaning supplies.
  3. Assign teachers and students to classes.
  4. Finalize class time schedules.
  5. Have open house for church and community.
  6. Conduct any meetings necessary for teachers.
  7. Plan and help conduct orientation day or evening meeting for students and parents.