Logging in to Digital Assessments
  • System Requirements

    The following are required to use the assessments platform:

    1. Internet access
    2. Updated version of Internet Explorer (IE 10+), Chrome, Safari, Edge, or Firefox.
  • Log In

    1. Log in to digital assessments using one of the following methods:
      1. For the primary user created when digital assessments was ordered,
        1. Log in to your dashboard.
        2. Look under the My Orders tab.
        3. Click on the digital assessments link.
      2. Or, for users created in the platform (see Section VIII here) go to abeka.linkit.com.
    2. Enter the username and password.
    3. Select “Login.”
  • Process for Creating an Assessment

    Section I: An item is a question.

    • An item bank (e.g., PCA: History 8-jbirx) is a collection of item sets.
    • An item set (e.g., Quiz 1) is a collection of items organized into assessments.

    Section II: An assessment can be a quiz, test, review, etc.

    • A test bank (e.g., PCA: History 8-jbirx) is a collection of “Tests” organized by grade and subject.
    • A test (e.g., History 8A, Quiz 1) is an assessment that can be used for paper assessments, bubble sheets, or online testing.
    Process of Assessment
I. Item Design
  • A. Create an Item Bank

    Create an Item Bank

    Open Test Design: Assessment Items:

    1. From the icon menu at the top of the page, select Test Design.
    2. From the tab submenu under Test Design, select Assessment Items.

    Create an item bank:

    1. Under Create New Item Set, select the “Create an Item Bank” bubble.
    2. Name the item bank (e.g., School: Subject-teacher).
    3. Select “Create Bank.” The item bank will now appear in any list of existing item banks.
  • B. Create an Item Set

    Create an Item Set
    1. In the same window under Create New Item Set, select the “Select an Item Bank” bubble.
    2. Select an item bank from the list of existing item banks.
    3. Name the item set (e.g., Quiz 1).
    4. Select “Create.” This will open the item set for editing in the Item Editor, and the item set will now appear in any list of existing item sets.
  • C. Create (or edit) Items

    Create or Edit Items
    1. From the Item Set toolbar, select the Create Item icon. All items will be displayed below the Item Set toolbar.
    2. Select an item for editing.
    3. Under the Item Editor toolbar, choose the Question Type. Select “Multiple Choice,” “Extended Text” (e.g., essay), or “Drawing Interaction;” or select none of these for Text Entry (e.g., fill in the blank or completion) and Inline Choice (e.g., matching) items.
    4. Question Content Area—Type within the box to enter the content of the item. To add an image, audio, or fraction, select “Image,” “Audio,” or “Fraction” from the Insert drop-down list in the Item Editor toolbar.
    5. For Text Entry and Inline Choice items:
      1. Select “Text Entry” or “Inline Choice” from the Insert drop-down list to insert an answer box into the Question Content Area.
      2. Select the answer box to edit the answer(s).
        1. In the answer box editor, select the green “+” icon to add an answer. Type the content within the editing box and select the green check mark to save the changes.
        2. Assign the point value/answer options.
        3. Select “Set” to save and close the box.
      3. If necessary, in the Item Editor select “No Duplicate Answers” for an item with more than one answer box that has the same answers list.
      4. The Answer Content Area will be blank.
    6. Answer Content Area—For Multiple Choice items, select the text within each choice to edit the choices. To add images or fractions, select “Image” or “Fraction” from the Insert drop-down list.
    7. Points—Use the Points box to assign the point value
    8. To attach a passage, select “Add Reference Object.”
    9. Save—Select this icon to save the item.
      • Note: To create more items, repeat #1–9. To edit an item, begin with #2 and progress as necessary.
      • Once an item set is finished, create an assessment using one of the following methods: (1) directly from the items in an item set by using the shortcut below, or (2) from items in different item sets by using the instructions in Section II here.
    10. SHORTCUT: Create Test from Items—Select this icon to create an assessment from the items in the item set. This will bypass Section II-A #2–5 and Section II-B below.
      1. Create a test bank. (See Section II-A, #2–5).
      2. Name the assessment.
      3. Select “Save.” This assessment will now appear in Test Design: Tests as an existing “test.”
II. Test Design
  • A. Create a Test Bank

    Create a Test Bank

    Open Test Design: Tests:

    1. From the tab submenu under Test Design, select Tests.

    Create a test bank:

    1. Under Create New Test, select the “Create a Test Bank” bubble.
    2. Choose the grade level and subject
    3. Name the Test Bank (e.g., School: Subject-teacher).
    4. Select “Create Bank.” The test bank will now appear in any list of existing test banks.
  • B. Create an Assessment

    1. In the same window under Create New Test, select the “Select a Test Bank” bubble.
    2. Select a test bank from the list of existing test banks.
    3. Name the assessment (e.g., SubjectClass-assessment).
    4. Select “Create.” This will open the assessment for editing in the Test Editor, and the assessment will now appear in any list of existing “tests.”
  • C. Edit an Assessment

    Edit an Assessment
    1. To add pre-made items to an assessment:
      1. In the Assessment Items section, select an item bank. This will display its item sets.
      2. Select an item set to display its items.
      3. Select and drag-and-drop the item(s) into the adjacent Test Sections/Questions section.
    2. Add Section—Select this icon to add a section.
    3. Test Sections/Questions—Reorder items or sections by dragging and dropping into the desired place.
    4. Test, Section, and Question Properties—Edit the assessment name and instructions, section name and instructions, and any item’s point value.
    5. Save—Select this icon to save any changes.

    Note: The assessment is now ready to be generated into paper assessments, bubble sheets, or online assessments. (At this point, rosters must have already been entered and assigned to classes by the School Administrator).

III. Paper Assessments
  • Paper assessments can be used alone or with bubble sheets.

    1. In the Test Editor, select the “Create PDF” icon.
    2. Paper options include single or double columns, cover page, section headings, etc.
    3. Select “Create PDF.
IV. Bubble Sheets
  • Bubble sheets work best with multiple choice items.

    A. Generate Bubble Sheets

    Generate Bubble Sheets

    Open Manage Bubble Sheets: Create New Bubble Sheets:

    1. From the icon menu at the top of the page, select Manage Bubble Sheets.
    2. From the tab submenu under Manage Bubble Sheets, select Create New Bubble Sheets.

    Create a bubble sheet assessment:

    1. Select Test—Select “Single Class,” “Group Printing,” or “Generic Sheet.” Select the Grade, Subject, Test Bank, and Test.
    2. Select Students—Select the School, Term, Class, and Students.
    3. Select Options—Select the Style, Bubble Format, and Bubble Size. The personal (pre-slugged) style pre-assigns a bubble sheet for each student. The roster style creates one bubble sheet with a bubble list of students. Increase the number of copies to print the desired number of bubble sheets. The Manual Entry style does not create a bubble sheet and requires student answers to be entered manually.
    4. Select “Generate” to create a bubble sheet. This will direct the user to the Print Bubble Sheet window.
  • B. Print Bubble Sheets

    1. Select the “Click here to open the bubble sheet” link to open the PDF of the bubble sheet(s).
    2. Select the print file icon. If necessary, adjust print options (number of copies).
    3. Select “Print.”
  • C. Grade Bubble Sheets

    Open Manage Bubble Sheets: Grade Bubble Sheets:

    • From the tab submenu under Manage Bubble Sheets, select Grade Bubble Sheets.

    Upload bubble sheet files:

    • Select Files—Select the file(s) of bubble sheets to be uploaded and graded.
  • D. Review Bubble Sheets

    Open Manage Bubble Sheets: Review Bubble Sheets:

    • From the tab submenu under Manage Bubble Sheets, select Review Bubble Sheets.

    Open bubble sheets for review:

    • Select the first icon—the paper icon, Details.
    Select the first icon-the paper icon, Details.

    Bubble Sheet Review:

    Bubble Sheet Review
    1. Students—Student list, assessment status, items answered, and points earned. To see completed assessments, check the “Finished” box.
    2. Bubble Sheet Details—Assessment image, advanced options, and unanswered/answered items.
    3. Go to Manage Bubble Sheets: Process Errors to solve errors (such as Barcode Error).
V. Online Assessments
  • A. Assign an Online Assessment

    Assign an Online Assessment

    Open Online Testing: Assign Online Test:

    1. From the icon menu at the top of the page, select Online Testing.
    2. From the tab submenu under Online Testing, select Assign Online Test.

    Assign an online assessment:

    1. Select Test—Select the Grade, Subject, Test Bank, and Test.
    2. Select Students—Select either “Class Assignment” or “Group Assignment.” For class assignments, select the School, Term, Class, and Students. For group assignments, select the Group.
    3. User Preferences—Tailor user preferences to a specific assignment. This will not change the Online Test Preferences permanently.
    4. Select “Assign” to assign the online assessment.
    5. Record the Test Code.
    6. Go to test.linkit.com/testtaker/testtaker.html to take the online assessment. (See Section VI here).
  • B. Review Online Assessments

    Open Online Testing: Test Review and Manual Grading:

    • From the tab submenu under Online Testing, select Test Review and Manual Grading.

    Open online assessments for review:

    • Select the first icon—the paper and pencil icon, Review.
    Select the first icon—the paper and pencil icon, Review.

    Online Assessment Review:

    Online Assemssment Review
    1. Students—List of students and assessment statuses (Not Started, In Progress, Pending Review, and Complete).
    2. Test Questions—List of items and item statuses (Answered, Unanswered, and Reviewable).
    3. Answers—The graded item and possible answers.
    4. Grading—The item score can be changed for certain types of items (i.e., Text Entry and Extended Text) when the Override preference is on. Select the blue “Apply Grade” button to update any changes in score.
    5. Submit Test—A gray Submit Test button indicates a completed assessment. A blue Submit Test button indicates an item needs to be manually graded. Grade all items before submitting an assessment.
VI. Online Student Testing
  • A. Student Test Login

    1. Go to test.linkit.com/testtaker/testtaker.html to take an online assessment.
    2. Enter the Test Code and select “Submit.”
    3. Select the student’s name and click “Select.”
    4. Select “Begin Test.”
  • B. Online Testing Features

    Online testing features can be changed in Online Testing: Online Test Preferences.

    Online Testing Features
    1. Icons allow the student to flag an item, customize font size, pause testing, view items (answered, unanswered, or flagged), highlight text, and submit the assessment.
    2. Elimination—Select a gray “x” to eliminate a choice in a multiple choice item. The “x” will turn red.
    3. Drag the right corners or side of the question box to change its width.
    4. Special Character Palette—Select the blue keyboard icon in a text entry or extended text box to insert special characters (e.g., Spanish or math symbols).
    5. Select “Submit” to save and submit answers. For Multiple Choice items, selecting a choice will save and submit the student’s answer.
  • C. Review Submitted Assessment

    After an assessment has been submitted, the student can Review the Test, Take Another Test, or Logout.

    • Select “Review Test.
      • Correct—check
      • Incorrect—x
      • Partial Credit (misspelling)—aster
VII. Reporting
  • A. Dashboard


    Open Reporting: Dashboard:

    1. From the icon menu at the top of the page, select Reporting.
    2. From the tab submenu under Reporting, select Dashboard.

    To open a class report:

    1. From the School drop-down list, select the school.
    2. Select the arrow icon located next to a class. This will open the Summary Data report which displays the class average for each assessment the class has taken.

    To view a chart of the level of student mastery:

    1. Check the “Show Mastery Chart” box.

    To view diagnostics on items, students, etc.:

    1. Select an assessment; then select “Class Diagnostic.”

    To view all student results for all assessments:

    1. Check the “Student Data” box. This will display a table of student scores for each assessment. Student Data will appear below Summary Data. (To display only Student Data, uncheck the Summary Data box).

    To open a student’s results for all assessments:

    1. Select “Student Reports.” In the Student Reports window, use the arrows in the lower right corner to navigate between students. If necessary, move the position of the window to view all contents. (For example: Student A’s score and the class average for each assessment will be displayed by date from earliest to latest).
  • B. Item Analysis

    Item Analysis

    Open Reporting: Item Analysis:

    1. From the tab submenu under Reporting, select Item Analysis.

    To open an assessment’s item report:

    1. Click “Select New Test” to choose an assessment. In the Select Test window:
      1. Choose the Subject, Grade, and Test.
      2. Click “Select Test.”
      3. This will display the assessment information in the left pane.
    2. From the Classes box, select the class.
    3. Select “Show Class Data” to display the item analysis report for the assessment. This will show the Summary Data—the point value percentages of each item.

    To view all student results for each item:

    1. Check the “Show Student Data” box to display the correct answers and each student’s answers. Student Data will appear below Summary Data. (To display only Student Data, uncheck the Summary Data box).

    To open a student’s item results:

    1. Select “Student Reports.” In the Student Reports window, use the arrows in the lower right corner to navigate between students. If necessary, move the position of the window to view all contents. (For example: For student A the correct answers, class averages for each item, and the student item results will be displayed).
VIII. Create Additional Accounts/Users
  • Create Additional Accounts Uers

    Add a New User:

    1. From the icon menu at the top of the page, select “Data Admin.”
    2. From the tab submenu under Data Admin, select “Manage Users.”

      Note the username already assigned to the pre-created School Administrator account. It is highly recommended that the prefix (the letter B and the ABB account #-name) be used with all other usernames that are created. User accounts must be unique within LinkIt!, and using this prefix will prevent confusion with other users.

    3. On the Manage Users screen, select the gray button, “Add New User.” This will direct the user to the Create User page.
  • Create User page:

    Create User Page
    1. Select a Role
      1. Choose School Administrator if the user being created will function in the school in positions similar to a principal or overseer.
      2. Choose Teacher if the user being created will function in the school in only a teaching capacity and will not need administrative abilities over other teachers.
      3. School Administrators have nearly unlimited access, so Teacher will be more appropriate in most cases.
    2. The District and School information will auto-fill based on the user’s Abeka Digital Assessments account.
    3. Enter in the account information.
      1. The user will enter his selected username when logging in.
        1. Please prefix the chosen names with the administrator username noted under #2.
        2. For example: B12345678–JohnSmith
      2. The password must be communicated securely to the account user.
    4. Enter the personal information of the user. This information will be seen throughout the online testing portal by other users as a means of identification.
      1. Enter the user’s first and last name.
      2. Enter the user’s personal identifier in the local code (e.g., unique school employee IDs). Avoid using confidential data, such as SSN.
    5. Click “Submit” to create the user.

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Use restricted to authorized licensees only. All Rights Reserved.