Your child will be thrilled to begin history lessons with his new class and inspiring video teacher! Travel along the beautiful sea coasts of Prince Edward Island in Canada; grow pineapple and sugar cane in Hawaii; wear a serape or a poncho to a traditional Mexican fiesta; or sail across Lake Titicaca from Bolivia, South America. Study the characteristics and geographical features of Canada, the United States, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and South America. With bold terms, timelines, Comprehension Checks, Chapter Checkups, and a Geography Handbook, your child will understand and appreciate the history, beauty, and variety of the countries of the “New World.”
As your child becomes acquainted with his video classmates, he will enjoy feeling as though he is a part of the class. The teacher will even pause to allow “classmates watching” an opportunity to participate during reviews.
The prerecorded online video streaming gives you the flexibility to set your own daily schedule. The video lease provides you with a full 12 months to complete the 170 lessons. This video kit contains all that you will need for your child to be successful in History 6—the student textbook, textbook answer key, geography map book and key, test/quiz book and key, video manual, and video lessons. All of these materials work together to give you and your child a successful year of history instruction!
This course is only available for Independent Study (not accredited). Online streaming only.