As a teacher, summer break can just fly right by! We’ve all gotten to August and wondered, “Is it already time to start again?”
Maybe as July wings past, you think, “It’s almost time to decorate my class, put up bulletin boards, make lesson plans, and grade papers again. ” Before you begin anxiously making list after list of “to-do” items, don’t forget to breathe and have some fun.
Don ’t let thoughts of teaching make you weary. Take time to enjoy this respite. Take time to enjoy your family. Take time to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation all around you.
1. Read a book.
Really? Read a book? Yes! Teachers should be readers. During the school year, this may be impractical or even impossible, but take heart! Seize this time of freedom.
If you know what information will be covered in the upcoming school year, try looking up articles or books and increasing your knowledge on the subject.
Maybe you ’d like to read more books to your students? It ’s always a good idea to read a book through before you read it to your class.
And don ’t forget about fiction. Whichever genre you pick, find a book that entertains and relaxes you. (That might mean opting out of a thriller.)
2. Exercise.
Some of you might immediately think of that passage in Scripture that refers to bodily exercise and how it “profiteth little, ” but remember, your students will need you to be your best.
So take a sunset stroll around your neighborhood. Bike around the block. Go for a hike or a swim. Play tennis, badminton, or even croquet.
If it ’s too hot for that, try going to the mall or local shopping center and walking. Power walking, fist pumping, and long strides are completely optional.
Just do something to get your blood flowing.
3. Organize.
Some people —particularly teachers —cherish organization. We can even get a little obsessive about it, it ’s true.
But sometimes it can be hard to keep things as orderly as we may like. Use your time now to think ahead. You might be able to learn from the mistakes of previous years.
Does that mean going back to your class, pulling everything out, and organizing like there ’s no tomorrow? Not necessarily. If you know what time of year you struggle the most, try writing out a game plan to combat your future lack of organization.
4. Have a picnic.
Maybe there’s a quaint park near your home? If not, don’t fret. Having a picnic in your backyard can be just as fun! If the summer heat has you beat, try an indoor picnic instead. Pack up that basket, load that cooler, grab a book, and head to your picnic.
Remember, there’s a reason teachers and students have the summer off. You need to recharge your batteries physically, mentally, and spiritually. If you’ve slacked off in your Bible reading or maybe your prayer life isn’t quite where you want it to be, use this time to build back your relationship with God. Take time each day to relax, grow in God, and enjoy your summer.
Anita K:
July 2, 2018Great tips! These are the ones I truly look forward to doing over the summer break.
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