Here’s How She Did It: Melissa Andrews

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Melissa Andrews’ daughter, Raegan, recently scored a 33 on the ACT. Raegan was two when the family moved to South America. Unsure of the public school system in the town which they lived, Melissa decided she’d need to provide an alternative form of education—homeschool.


“Because I was familiar with Abeka, having grown up in a Christian school that used it, I didn’t have to do much research before deciding it was the best choice for my kids,” Melissa said. “The curriculum has helped put them so far ahead of their public school peers.”

The proof lies on a piece of paper reflecting Raegan’s position in the 99th percentile of the nearly two million annual ACT test takers.


From South America To Stateside

Raegan’s baby brother, Ben, arrived while the family was still in South America, eventually doubling their homeschool population. By the time he was old enough to begin school, Ben showed the same kind of studiousness as his sister in the homeschool environment—their living room, kitchen, or wherever they chose to learn. Once they moved back to the States, both children agreed that they’d like to continue their education in the same fashion. They were used to it and they liked it.

“I was glad they did,” Melissa said.


A Typical Day

The Andrews family school day has structure to it. Like a traditional classroom, they begin lessons each morning at 8:00. Unlike a traditional classroom, Raegan and Ben spend their first few hours in Bible study via Abeka Academy video lessons. At the end of the lesson, they’re tested with a quiz before taking a 15-minute break.

Depending on where they are in the curriculum, it’s back to more video lessons until lunch at noon. After lunch, they continue the rest of their lessons until they wrap up around 2:00. Ben is taking physical education, so he’s required to walk or run three miles per day.

Homeschooling allows Melissa’s children to grow close to God (Bible study), prepare for higher education (Abeka Academy) and keep their bodies healthy (P.E.).


Wouldn’t Have It Any Other Way


Melissa rests easy knowing where her kids are during the day, what they’re learning, and who they’re learning it from.

“Abeka really has been the best option for us, for where we are,” she said. “The way the curriculum is designed to teach, it’s the environment that’s going to give my children the greatest chance to succeed.”

Beyond the educational aspects of homeschooling, Melissa appreciates being able to control the moral content her children are consuming. In the security of their home, all the children have to worry about is making good grades.

“Obviously most mothers want what’s best for their kids,” Melissa said. “And looking back 16 years ago in South America, choosing to homeschool Raegan with Abeka was one of the best choices I’ve ever made.”

Comments for Here’s How She Did It: Melissa Andrews

Luis J:
March 19, 2020

it is so good

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